What our clients say

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Montana M
Montana M
St Ives
Speech Pathologist

Montana graduated from Macquarie University with a Master of Speech and Language Pathology. Prior to this, she graduated with a Bachelor of Speech, Hearing and Language Sciences.

Montana is a warm and engaging speech pathologist who is dedicated to providing high quality services for her clients and families. Montana joined the Speak & Write team in 2021. She is able to build rapport even with the most reluctant communicators due to her calm and supportive nature. Montana values collaboration between families, educators and health professionals, ensuring therapy is holistic and individualised. It brings her joy to see clients progress towards their communication goals.

Montana has experience working with children and adolescents in multiple settings including schools, a private clinic and a community health centre. She has experience assessing and treating a range of speech, language, social communication and fluency difficulties. Montana’s strong interest in treating literacy difficulties led her to pursue a career at Speak & Write. Beyond her passion for Speech Pathology, Montana has always enjoyed playing a variety of sports and coaching school-aged children in athletics and volleyball. She also loves to read, watch movies, play card games and travel.

Montana is trained in the Spalding Method – a comprehensive program for literacy development. She is also trained in DTTC for Childhood Apraxia of Speech. She is registered with Speech Pathology Australia’s Professional Self Regulation Program.

Sophie Moore - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Google - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

“One of a kind service”

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Sophie Moore
VP of Design at Google
Matt - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
YouTube - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

“The best service”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ultrices scelerisque mi sed interdum lacus tellus in mi orc, netus nisl laoreet phasellus. Pellentesque non nunc placerat mi quis vitae cursus ornare.

Matt Cannon
Developer at YouTube